Doing a bit of maintenance today. Neglected PHP's error logs for a bit too long - plenty of small things to patch.
On Desktop, at Ajam's request I rolled out at the top of the site a Search As You type for Characters and Anime. On smaller screens, this can now be found in the MENU replacing the previous search tool.
Similar to VNDB, it searches all text fields and prioritizes exact matches followed by names/titles that contain your keyword.
Also updated the footer to show the number of visitors we had yesterday. It's my dream to keep the traffic above 100,000 and get our first 200,000 visitor day before the end of the year! More people than ever are interested in anime. Seeing record numbers of people visit ACDB motivates me to keep improving the site.
I'd like to make it easier to do the things you want to do on the site. Let me know what I can do for you !