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3rd Party Ads Privacy Policies

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You can disable 3rd Party content server side by using the button below. This will tell our web server to stop including Ad code in web pages. You may also want to remove any cookies set by 3rd party sites as well.

As a fan of tosdr here is a summary of our Terms of Service in their style.

+ Pseudonym allowed
+ Only the necessary logs and debug information are kept
+ Anime Characters Database warns you if emergency maintenance is happening

- Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user
- Anime Characters Database can use your content for all their existing and future services
- Anime Characters Database may stop providing services to you at any time
- Your account can be suspended and your data deleted any time for any reason
- You shall defend and indemnify Anime Characters Database
- Anime Characters Database uses temporary session cookies

× You cannot delete your account
× We can remove your content at any time and without prior notice
× Deleted images are not really deleted


email address

We require a valid email address for account registration and verification.
We will send you one email at the time of registration.
We will not send you emails without your permission.
 - You can enable PM notifications by email.
 - You can also enable email notification on the who's this character board.
 - You can request a password reset be sent to your email.
We will not sell your email address.


Passwords are stored in an encrypted format.
Only one administrator has access to changing passwords.

any additional personal information you choose to provide

We operate under the expectation that all personal information you provide is false, and inaccurate.

ACDB is not in the business of profiling or data-mining.
Any opportunities to provide personal details will always allow for creative responses.
For example, when we ask for your age, you can enter anything from 0 to 9999. 
 Immortals are totally welcome here!
ACDB believes in the old-skool spirit of anonymity and fun.


Tue Aug 20 18:03:05 CDT 2024

Removed Consent Management Platform (CMP) and yieldlove notes.
Presently we work with AnyMindGroup, their Privacy Policy can be found here

Mon Oct 12 08:41:21 CDT 2020

Added Consent Management Platform (CMP) and yieldlove notes.
Presently we work with yieldlove, and their partners. 

Wed Sep 16 11:55:21 CDT 2015

Added a TOSDR style review of some of our worst policies.
Presently we use Google Analytics, Google Ads, sovrn ads, and any of their partners. 

Update: Fri Sep 26 21:09:37 CDT 2014

We are now working with Q1 Media and Google AdSense as our primary ad providers.
Google Analytics has been re-enabled.

Added updated links to 3rd Party Privacy Policies

Update: Fri Aug 24 09:41:22 CDT 2012

We are now working with Lijit Networks, Inc.

Added updated links to 3rd Party Privacy Policies

Update: Sat Jul 14 23:14:17 CDT 2012

We now include Quantcast tracking code, but ONLY on this page ( privacy.php ). 
However, our 3rd party ads often will use Quantcast on other parts of the site. 

Update: Sat Mar 31 05:36:16 CDT 2012

We no longer use Google AdSense.

We now use PulsePoint ads.

We have implemented a login accounting system.
Each time you login or logout of Anime Characters Database
we record:
 - the time
 - your ip
 - the User Agent your web browser sent in the http headers
 - user name
 - user id
 - session id

This information is only available to L10 admins.
This information is to be used only for investigating suspicious account activity. 

Updated: May 15th, 2011

Time for a new Privacy Policy.

Change Number 1: We no long use Google Analytics Tracking services.

We do our best to balance the need for Ad Revenue and respecting your privacy.

All members have the option to Turn Off Ads by clicking a button in the side menu.
Anyone can visit the Privacy Policy and click a similar button within the page.

We try to minimize the amount of 3rd party content on the site.
I can't stand web sites that connect to hundreds of third party sources,
 so I wont force that on the users of my web site.
Where there are member comments, you may encounter 3rd party hosted Avatars,
 or linked images in comments.

Anime Characters Database can be fully used with JavaScript turned off,
 and works great with NoScript ( a firefox extension ).
Such a choice will make us worry about paying our hosting bills,
 but offers you faster browsing speeds, and max privacy!

We do collect standard web access logs.
These contain:
 - IP address
 - request time
 - request type
 - request URL
 - referrer URL
 - user agent
 - transfer size
 - status code
We keep these logs for roughly a year.
We do not sell our access logs.
We do not share entire logs with anyone.
Sections of logs may be made public.

Our database at most records:
 - IP address
 - user agent
 - time
as identifying markers when you post content to the site.
The purpose being to identify spammers, and quickly remove related spam.

We also maintain a usage stats table, which contains:
 - time first seen
 - time last seen
 - page requests
 - online today marker
 - ip address
 - session cookie
 - user agent
 - maintain a reliable user session
 - detect and prevent Denial of Service attacks

Members are free to submit as much or as little personal information in their
 account profiles. 
We try hard to maintain an unusually high level of server security.
While we do have substantial security preventing intrusion, we have also
 spent vast amounts of time and effort obscuring the internals of our system
 to a point that should a hacker gain access, they will have a very foreign, 
 very limited system opened to them.

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12:50 am
Who is this?

Latest Comments : Reki Kyan

the silly - Anonymous


And personally, I'm not overly fond of fallen angels and priests. - Yuuto Kiba

Latest Tributes : Earn Jewels by Slaying Dragons then give Jewels to your favorite characters to increase their wealth and presence on ACDB
NoctLeaflet gave Noct Leaflet Sapphires 10 Rubies 45 08:43 pm
Rei gave Amidamaru Diamonds 1 08:12 pm
NoctLeaflet gave Noct Leaflet Sapphires 13 Rubies 36 07:30 pm
SK071 gave Satomi Kaizuka Sapphires 1 04:54 pm
NoctLeaflet gave Noct Leaflet Sapphires 21 Rubies 38 03:31 pm
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