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☰ Menu >>> Profile Picture for Count D Edit
ID 22366
Name Count D
Other Names 伯爵D(カウント・ディー)
Role Protagonist
Primary Assignment Pet Shop of Horrors
Media Type anime
Voiced By Toshihiko Seki, 関俊彦, せき としひこ
Voiced By John DeMita, John De Mita, John Demita
Tags heterochromia, qipao, lipstick, white skin

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Anime boy Count D is a character from Pet Shop of Horrors.

They have been indexed as Male Adult with Purple eyes and Black hair that is To Neck length.


Count D runs a pet shop in Los Angeles' Chinatown. He sells magical and rare pets, each of which comes with instructions for it's care. Disobeying these instructions generally results in a highly unpleasant scenario, frequently involving the gruesome death of at least one person, for which D claims no responsibility.

He has one golden eye and one purple one. He generally dresses in traditional Chinese garb. He has a weakness for sweets, and can often be bribed with pastries. His manner is calm and courtly (except while fighting with his friend/enemy Orcot) although he does have a tendency toward the dramatic and frequently overreacts.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Male
Eye Color Purple (Green)
Hair Color Black
Hair Length To Neck
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No


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Latest Comments : Rui

The character design is fitting for a mature housewife-type character. - Anonymous


and held both my hands... - Subaru Natsuki

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