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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Nov 16, 2012 | Cirno
Nov 16, 2012

Hello, all! I hope you're ready, because today I've found another irresistible mug!

This adorable mug with its frog decoration comes with a matching froggy spoon that can hang on to the edge of the cup! You'll never have to worry about lacking something to stir your drink with if you have this mug. It's perfect for either hot or cold beverages, and is a great addition to your kitchen collection or even someone else's. Who could refuse a cute frog like this?

And now for Cirno's Perfect Trivia Class!

Answer to yesterday's question: Ponyo is a village in Lahe Township, Naga Self-Administered Zone, in the Sagaing Region of northwestern Burma. It is located on the border with India and lies at the headwaters of the Namteik Kha river. The village is inhabited by peoples known as the Ponyo Nagars.
Human sacrifice and headhunting has been documented in Ponyo and the chief of the village has been quoted in the 1920s as saying "we take the heads of human beings because they are the only fit morsels for the Nat".

Today's question: How many islands does Japan have?

If you would like to submit your answer you can send it to, or send me a PM. I will give you the answer tomorrow.

~ Have a great day!

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