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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Oct 25, 2012 | Cirno
Oct 25, 2012

Welcome to Stuff of the Day everyone! I notice a lot that some people put a big effort into trying to be the same as everyone else. Sometimes it's nice to be different and do things because you like to, not because everyone else is. Individuality is power. Today I have something that you could use to be different and stand out from the boring old normal people:

These wonderful socks can add that colourful touch you outfits needs! They come in different colours and they are all wonderfully stripy. You can wear them with skirts, shorts, or even (like a good friend of mine) over your pants! They have a strong elastic at the top to keep them up while you show your courage to be different. Embrace the power. Be you.

Yesterday's Answer: Obi (帯, おび) is a sash for traditional Japanese dress

Today's question:
What is a hachimaki (鉢巻)?

Remember, if think you know what the answer is you can send it to, or send me a PM. I will give you the answer tomorrow.

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