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Love Tyrant Episode 1 Quotes Jul 27, 2021 | Rei
Transcript - 470 new quotes

Love Tyrant


Test your Japanese with quotes from this series.

This one's too much. A cosplaying angle cupid, a yandere, love, immortals, and more wild antics than I can keep track of.

Test your Japanese now has an audio answer version.

I have a few ideas for what to do next with it. I could include a picture of the character with the answers. Might be fun to build a Quiz Generator, where you can search for the lines you'd like to make up the answers. Ever since I started adding audio to quotes my hope was one day they could be useful for learning Japanese. I'm enjoying the quizzes as a way to test my vocabulary, and pick up some grammar and sentence structure.

Some easier ideas I've got would be generating random quizzes with lines from a specific character or series.

Keeping track of the number of questions you get right on the first try, could be useful. I don't want to store them in a database, so maybe this'll give me an excuse to try out Local Storage.

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