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Asura Version Control Dec 2, 2019 | Rei
Newest addition to ACDB is a version control system to record changes to the site's code as I commit them, written by me mostly in Bash and PHP.


Why not use git? Because no.

Historically I have tried 3 of the big 4 version control systems. Moving from one to the next as I managed to break each and every one of them.

There's nothing more frustrating than trying to commit your finished work to your production server only to be stopped by some nonsensical blocking issue in the version control program. cvs broke, svn broke, and even mercurial broke. There's no doubt in my mind even git would break, so I didn't even try.

Then Yorhel informs me OpenBSD is making GoT and after reading over their presentation I decided to check it out, only to find it's currently only build-able on OpenBSD. Further pondering lead me to the realization ...

GoT is a simplified version of git, containing only the features the OpenBSD developers want and use.

AND EVEN THEN, it has way too much crap for my needs!

In 15 years of programming,. I have only, ever, needed a system to get my completed source code to my production server.

A bash script with scp has always been enough.

However, there is one aspect of version control I see value in. A comment regarding what was changed in the commit.

So, I have expanded my version control to harmlessly ask me for a comment when I make a commit. And coded it such that it will never fail to make the commit. Work goes on, more things get done, and a nifty change log is generated.


And for the hell of it, I'm also storing diffs.

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