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Summer Heat Aug 8, 2018 | Rei
It is hot this week! Going to be 30C and higher here in Winnipeg. Heat and humidity make it extremely hard to focus and concentrate - I may not be doing much programming for the days ahead.

There's a lot I have planned.

Now that our core content has been simplified, I'd like to return to translating common labels. With a focus on Japanese. アニキャラベー is coming back to life.

I'm turning my attention to favorites, as you may see the [Image] above linking to your favorites. I'll try to borrow the layout from Steam, and make it super easy to browse, comment and rate your favorite characters. As well as link up the organize favorites tool. Still waiting any feedback on how to improve that.

I'm indexing SAO this week.

I've got big big plans ahead for the quotes. Eiki and I have indexed more than 80,000 lines now. I'll hit 100,000 this year.

Then I'd like people to start favoriting quotes.

From there, select an additional image that best matches the quote.

From there, let anyone vote which quote + image combination they like best.

From there, build the largest collection of anime meme's!!!!

If you're interesting in being part of this project, please contact me. Tools for indexing episodes have matured to a point now that you could frustration free index even from a series with hundreds of characters.

I'd also like to make it a little bit easier to interact with your watching list. Rating, tracking, indexing character appearances, episode blogging .... lots of old systems just collecting dust that could be used again.

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