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Updates Nov 15, 2015 | Rei
For everyone, we now offer a POWER MODE !


Seems nearly every site out there has cut their header space 400px to under 100px. I've always been on the fence about what to do with ACDB's header. It's very difficult to make an impressionable anime themed banner in 100px. Many Guilds have succeeded in making very nice 200px banners. But I've always found more is better, and with 300px+ we can have some of the nicest possible 3D banners. But this does present a problem of having to scroll down over and over. Sometimes it gets EXTREMELY frustrating - and in those moments power mode is there for you !

How does it work ?

Like any Toggle, turn it on to see !



Clicking the
while in power mode redirects you to the Power Mode page where you can find a number of goodies.



TiwaLeChaton and Mearyuh have kindly been providing French translations for ACDB.
You can find the French version of ACDB here.

I'll be making more updates to the core and backend of ACDB. Seems a lot of code hasn't been touched in years, and needs cleaning !

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