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Cirno's Stuff of the day RETURNS!!!! Feb 11, 2013 | Cirno


It's been a long time, hasn't it? Perhaps some of you wondered what happened? First came exams, then a time where I was without a computer, then I got my marks and the next semester starts... some of you may know how it is.

But it's been nagging at me that I let my Stuff of the Day slide. And to be honest, I was almost reluctant to start it again. I wasn't sure I could produce the same quality output as I had before. Then one day I was just like: "That's it, CSotD starts today!" and then I put it off to the next day, and the next day... that must have been a week ago. And even right now as I'm typing this and fiddling with the spot on my spacebar that has been worn smooth, I realize that if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, it does make a sound, yet if no one reads my Stuff of the day, it can't make any impact on the world. And no one can read it if I don't stop putting off til tomorrow what can be done the next day and start writing it. SO HERE WE GO!!!!

Today we have something a little different, and a little new, from a different site than before! Rein in your wants and feast your eyes on:

This game, based on the anime, (which I actually watched for a change :P ) stars a young scientist in Akihabara who, with his team, accidentally create a time machine and save a girl's life. However, he feels there is a mysterious organization watching his every move. To save everyone's life and his own, he must unlock the secrets held in the hearts of the people around him and unravel the mysteries of the accidental time machine.

The game is scheduled to come out March 14th, 2013 and you can pre-order it today right from Japan!

~ Feel free to PM me with questions, suggestions etc. because the more I know people are reading this, the better I can do to make this fun for them to read every day!

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