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Dragon Slayer
Romaji Japanese CV Quotes VA Quotes Character
Aramis アラミス
Archangel Vulcanus ブルカノ
Big Sis Priny 姉御肌のプリニー CV: Romi Park 235 quotes
Captain Gordon ゴードン CV: Nobuo Tobita 328 quotes
Celestial Host
Etna エトナ CV: Tomoe Hanba 34 quotes
Fallen Angel Flonne 堕天使フロン CV: Yuko Sasamoto
Female Brawler
Female Warrior
Flonne フロン CV: Yuko Sasamoto
General Carter カーター
Hoggmeiser ゼニスキー
Jennifer ジェニファー CV: Chiwa Saito 394 quotes
King Krichevskoy
Kurtis カーチス Kāchisu CV: Kousuke Toriumi 409 quotes
Laharl ラハール CV: Kaori Mizuhashi 743 quotes
Maderas マデラス
Male Warrior
Marjoly マージョリー
Mid Boss 中ボス (Vyers) CV: Chihiro Suzuki 110 quotes
Nekomata 猫股
Pleinair プレネール
Priere 魔王プリエ
Prinny Squad プリニー隊 CV: Junji Majima 1161 quotes
Seraph Lamington ラミントン CV: Junji Majima 1161 quotes
Thursday サーズデイ CV: Yurika Ochiai

NOTE: This page uses a cached copy of characters data. New characters and recent edits will not be reflected in results until tomorrow. The order of the characters is based on Tributes by members. Characters with more Wealth appear first!

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12:22 am
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Latest Comments : Ina'nis Ninomae

Ina has been my favorite hololive member since her debut over two years ago, where she revealed she's a fan of the Fate series (among other things that I enjoy). Over the course of her early streams, she'd reveal a fondness for puns that is honestly contagious, as well as just being someone whose content I genuinely enjoy. I joined her memberships on day 1, and still am one as of now. A lot has changed in my life since then, but I still watch her streams when I'm able to. Truly, she's the V-Tuber I WAHnt to WAHtch the most. - ShinyShinigami


It ends just as it's getting good!
Are you trying to torment me?!
- Veldora Tempest

Latest Tributes : Earn Jewels by Slaying Dragons then give Jewels to your favorite characters to increase their wealth and presence on ACDB
NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
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