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Otonashi awakens only to learn he is dead. A rifle-toting girl named Yuri explains that they are in the afterlife, and Otonashi realizes the only thing he can remember about himself is his name. Yuri tells him that she leads the Shinda Sekai Sensen (Afterlife Battlefront) and wages war against a girl named Tenshi. Unable to believe Yuri's claims that Tenshi is evil, Otonashi attempts to speak with her, but the encounter doesn't go as he intended.


Series ID 2369
Media Type Anime
Title Angel Beats!
English Title Angel Beats!
Romaji Title Enjeru Biitsu!
Furigana Title エンジェルビーツ
Japanese Title エンジェルビーツ!
Japanese Studio Name ピーエーワークス
English Studio Name P.A. Works
Companies Involved ( Add ) Key
Content Rating T - Teen
Genre Tags ( Add ) action, supernatural, school, comedy
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Character Popularity * 1262
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User Rating
Jun 20, 2014
Pearls 306 Diamonds 36 Sapphires 76 Rubies 82 Rei

Rei Avatar

Fleet Admiral
Admin Level 9999
Over 9000 Characters Award

Angel Beats!


I could not not finish watching this series. There is so much blood, and senseless killing. The characters are all some form of immortal, and the anime plays out like an FPS game.

Aug 27, 2014
Pearls 3 Diamonds 34 Sapphires 19 Rubies 83 nao10
Fleet Admiral

Angel Beats!


Oct 6, 2014
Pearls 2 Diamonds 20 Sapphires 47 Rubies 32 TheAnimer

TheAnimer Avatar

Crewman Third Class
Treasure Hunter 250 Found

Angel Beats!


Even if there is so much blood and killing i still like this anime alot
It's one of my favourites

Jan 13, 2018
Diamonds 7 Sapphires 62 Rubies 73 AnimeWolf38

AnimeWolf38 Avatar

Series QUIZ Game Award: 5,000 Points

Angel Beats!


Mar 11, 2018
Diamonds 42 Sapphires 25 Rubies 55 Beanbabes

Beanbabes Avatar

Third Year Cadet

Angel Beats!


Jul 23, 2024
Pearls 38 Diamonds 82 Sapphires 40 Rubies 50 Saliliya
'A Cat Wants to Hugged'

Saliliya Avatar

Fleet Admiral
Series QUIZ Game Award: 1000 Points

Angel Beats!


Jul 29, 2021
Pearls 3 Diamonds 41 Sapphires 16 Rubies 58 MikoMikoMii

MikoMikoMii Avatar

Petty Officer Third Class

Angel Beats!


Various gory scenes, high violence. To be honest, it's very violent.

Mar 7, 2022
Pearls 24 Diamonds 78 Sapphires 71 Rubies 28 Aleis_Ketch

Aleis_Ketch Avatar

Capture Game Award: 1.5k Captures

Angel Beats!


Jun 4, 2022
Pearls 52 Diamonds 15 Sapphires 64 Rubies 39 plipplop
Weirdo that is named Plipplop

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Fleet Admiral
Capture Game Award: 7.5k Captures

Angel Beats!


Eh, I've seen worse.

Jul 27, 2022
Pearls 1 Diamonds 10 Sapphires 62 Rubies 47 isopod
deep sea crustacean

isopod Avatar

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Angel Beats!


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