Yu Yu Hakusho is Bleach, but shorter and with less filler. Both series feature a student, juvenile delinquent who meets a female shinigami and ends up working with that shinigami (who decides to also go to his school often) to help spirits travel to to afterlife. The series then changes to a battle shounen and the protagonist teams up with his friends to fight monsters.
Showing any more similarity crosses into spoiler territory, but the main difference between the series is that YYH focuses more on developing the characters.
First arc of Flame of Recca (tournament arc) copies extensively from Yu Yu Hakusho's Dark Tournament Saga. Also both series composed of a team of main characters (Flame of Recca used to have 4 mains just like Yu Yu Hakusho until a 5th member joined the party later on) and the main lead has a girlfriend who he must save from time to time.
Yu Yu Hakusho on average only has as much violence as the standard battle shounen, but there are a few instances that cross the line. Those instances involve multiple decapitations, amputations, mass death, cannibalism, torture, implied rape, disintegration, brainwashing, and a few blood baths. Those events are not overly gory and happen rarely so the series can be safely watched by older teens.