They have already infiltrated the Clock Tower.
The artifact of immense divine power of the Fuyuki War era, the Great Grail, was recently found.
To be more precise, it was declared found.
The Yggdmillennia clan that controls Romania declared they have it.
Yes. One of the masters who fought in the Third Holy Grail War, Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia.
He's kept the Great Grail hidden for six decades now.
He was researching eternal youth.
They say he fused his soul with a baby's.
I figure as long as he is the head of Yggdmillenia, the state of his self is a secondary concern to him.
He didn't only announce he had the Great Grail, though.
Hes so sexy i love kira - Ilovekira12
Hes so sexy i love kira
Combat hunters only, then. - Baek Yoonho
Combat hunters only, then.
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