Members will see a PDA icon next to Anime Characters Database.
Clicking it will bring up a simplified interface for your watching list~!
Any anime you are currently watching, you can click the Add to Anime Planner link. Then easily keep track of the last episode you watched.
It's funny, when I first created ACDB in 2006, I did it using frames. Then I read something, possibly in an AdSense Policy that frightened me so much I never used frames again on ACDB.
But given the choice between writing hundreds of lines of insanely complex AJAX code, or a simple function + iframe ... you can guess what solution won out. xD
I've started watching
Made in Abyss and I'm finding it to be quite good! It's different from what I normally watch, but stays true to the adventure theme. Check it out if you're looking for something good to watch.