: 论坛规则 Forum Rules |
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No pr0nography 禁止发布色情信息 No Copyright Infringement 禁止侵犯版权 No Gambling/Illegal Gaming 禁止赌博 No Hate (sexism, racism, etc.) 禁止歧视(性别歧视,种族歧视等等) No Hacking/Warez/Cracking 禁止黑客入侵、禁止使用盗版链接,禁止攻击本服务器 No disrespecting admins 禁止侮辱管理员 No bad language 禁止说脏话 We are an English speaking board 您现处于在英文版面 -If you are speaker of a language that is not English, please first note that we welcome you. -如果您的母语不是英语,我们仍然欢迎您。 -Keeping this in mind please be aware that it may make communication with you difficult. Despite this, we here at ACDB will make every attempt to accommodate you. -即使与您交流有一定的困难,我们ACDB会尽最大努力去适应并与您沟通。 -With this in mind if you are a foreign language speaker please go to the Foreign Language Directory, where you might find a person who can help you communicate with the rest of the site. -若您使用的语言是非英语语种,请您访问外语目录寻求帮助,以便您继续访问我们的网站。 -You can also go there and volunteer your multilingual services. -如果您有兴趣在外语目录做多语种服务,我们将热烈欢迎。 -On another note, no l33t speak is to be used in posting. -请注意,回复帖子字数不得超过130字。 -Speaking in a foreign language that is addressed to someone specific who can read it is OK, but please note that doing such in front of non-speakers is generally considered rude. -请勿在非中文版面发布中文信息。您可以在中文版面用中文交流,但请勿在非中文版面使用中文。 -Languages that have their own section in the forums: -论坛里的语言选项: nLanguage Forum n语言论坛 ---Note: No English is to be spoken in the Japanese threads of the forum. ---注意:论坛中日语主题贴内不可使用英文 -About posting images in forum threads: -关于论坛主题贴的图片上传限制: -No image posted is to be greater than 1280 px in width. -No image posted is to be greater than 1024 px in height. -上传图片大小不得超过宽1280像素,高1024像素。 -If you want to post an image that goes beyond those dimensions, please post a thumbnail that links to the full size instead. -如果您想要上传的图片超出限制范围,请您贴出缩略并附上图片全部尺寸的链接。 -If an image you post is considered not safe for work, or NSFW, you MUST give a warning that the image is NSFW and post it as a direct link. -如果您上传的图片被认为是不安全的,您必须警告此图片含有不安全因素并附上原图链接。 Regarding moderator edits of user posts: 关于版主编辑的用户帖子 -When a moderator or admin edits a post that they did not make, they need to put the text that they changed in a color different than what the original post was made in. -当版主或者管理员编辑他人帖子时,已改变文本的颜色需不同于该帖子文本的原始颜色。 -do it rarely, and only when necessary, meaning just grammatical changes are not justifiable reasons. -如果只是文本简单的语法变化,则没有必要改变文本颜色。 -sign the post you edited, or PM the person, or both, also note WHY you changed it, this prevents hurt feelings. -请您在您编辑过后的帖子上签名或者发私消息给此用户,同时标注你重新编辑此贴的原因以免造成不必要的误解及伤害。 -Do not double/ triple/quadruple/etc post: -请勿重复发帖: -I think this rule kinda speaks for itself. If you forgot to say something, just edit the post you forgot to say it in. 我认为此类规定不可置否。若您忘记说点什么,请您在您的的帖子里重新编辑。 -After a post is 3 days old, you may post again without being required to edit your previous post. 发出帖子超过三天,您可重新发贴,无需编辑从前的帖子。 About cursing 关于不适当言语 -Most likely most members on these boards will be adult, so it is OK to use curse words in moderation. Just do not use a stupidly large amount of them or you can/will get a warning to stop. -此版面大多数成员都是成年人,因此对部分不适当言语并不过分禁止,但若您勿用之过分,我们将给与警告。 -We now have a banned word list, so familiarize yourself with it. It will save you grief later on. -我们有禁止使用的单词名单,为避免不必要的麻烦,请您提前阅览并熟悉。 -No flaming -不得煽动公众情绪 -I know it can be hard sometimes not to yell at people who ask stupid questions. Nor is it easy to not make fun of them. Just bear with it and help them. -我们理解有时候您会没有耐心或不能忍受别人提出的问题,或是想要取笑别人,但请您尽最大的努力去理解并且帮助他们。 -Do not make fun of somebody's religious beliefs or lifestyles either. Just keep your negative comments about such things to yourself. -请您不要取笑他人的宗教信仰或生活方式,更不要发表伤害别人的消极评论。 -No pr0n, warez, or linking to torrents -禁止发布色情信息,使用盗版链接或是发布种子链接。 -I think this one kinda explains itself. Here, we really don't care if you like pr0n or download warez or whatever. Just do NOT talk about such things here. We will go by kind of a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. -我们认为这条规定也是不可置否的。在这里,我们并不关心您是否对色情文化或是对下载盗版软件感兴趣,我们奉行“保持缄默”的原则,所以请您勿在我们的论坛讨论诸如此类的话题。 No spamming 禁止发布垃圾邮件 -This one also goes without saying. So don't do it. -我们认为这一条是不成文的规定,请您务必遵守。 Signatures: 关于您的签名 -Your signature must not exceed 200px in height, nor 650px in width. -您的签名图片必须限制在 宽650像素,高200像素。 -Your signature must not exceed 300 kB in file size. -您的签名图片大小不得超过300KB。 -Width and Height limits will be lenient to up to 50px more than what they should be, thus the absolute limits are 250x700px -图片的宽度和高度最多不能超过原始尺寸50像素,也就是说图片尺寸绝对限制在250x700像素。 -Once again note that there is to be no pr0nography contained therein and links containing NSFW material must be marked. -请您注意,您的签名档图片内不得含有色情信息,请您标注可能隐含不安全因素的链接。 Avatars: 关于您的头像 -Note just like with the signature as well as everywhere else on the FORUM, ecchi images are okay. Just don't push the envelope for no other reason then to see how much you can get away with and you will be fine. -请您注意,关于您的头像图片,以及您的签名档图片内以及论坛里的每一个地方,我们允许您发布煽情或部分裸露图片(エッチ)。但是请您不要无故过多发布此类图片或此类链接。 Regarding "dead" threads: 关于“死贴“ -Threads that have not had a reply in 2 months time are subject to being locked and moved to the old thread dump. -两个月后未被回复的主题帖子将会被封锁并且移至旧帖垃圾箱。 -Please refrain from posting in threads that are 2 months old or older. -请您不要回复已经两个月或是超过两个月后的帖子。 -Exceptions include open ended threads and unanswered questions. -重新打开“死贴”或是有未回答问题的帖子除外。 Regarding politics and religion: 关于政治及宗教问题: -Do NOT bring up topics about politics and/or religion. There is too high of a chance for such threads to turn into flame wars. -由于政治及宗教话题容易煽动并引发贴吧战争,所以不得讨论关于政治以及宗教的话题。 -This means nothing about upcoming, current, or past elections of political sorts. -不得讨论将来,现在或是过去的政治选举。 -All threads of these subjects will be locked immediately. -所有包含此类话题的主题帖将会被立即封锁。 -Making fun of someone else's political views or religion will NOT be tolerated. -同时,我们也不能忍受您嘲笑他人的政治立场或是宗教信仰。 The Chatbox and Lounge 聊天室及灌水区 -The rules that apply to the the forum also apply to the Chatbox and Lounge. -以下条例即适用于论坛也适用于聊天室及灌水区。 -As a note to those who can the “Modbox”type “!” before your statement in order for it to be made part of the modbox. The modbox can be used in both the Chatbox and the Lounge. -请注意:为了引起注意,修改补丁箱前方应标注感叹号“!”您在聊天室及灌水区都能够用到补丁箱。 -When replying to post in the chatbox that are directed towards staff only, please make sure that your replies are also “admin only”. -当本网站内部员工回复聊天室的帖子时,请您确定您的回复是“仅管理员可见”。 -Do Not put stuff in the modbox that could be beneficial to the members at large, there is no reason to keep them in the dark anymore than what is absolutely necessary. -不要把有利于本网站的成员的东西放版主信箱,为了一个更加和谐的工作环境,没有什么值得隐藏的。 Unwritten Rules 不成文条例 - Please refrain from expecting other members to adhere from rules that are not “official”, or in other words, merely rules that are based solely on unwritten tradition. -若只是基于不成文的习惯,请勿听信其他成员的“非官方”条例,换而言之,请您务必遵守官方规则条例。 -Official means that they are either found in this rule sheet or have been posted on the News page. -在此页面出现的,或已被张贴在“公告区”页面的规则条例则是 “官方规则”,请您务必遵守,谢谢合作。 -In arguments/disputes, the admins are ALWAYS right -在您可能会陷入的争论和争吵中,请相信论坛管理员总会做出正确的抉择。 -This partially includes the forum mods, but fully includes the forum admins. -这部分包括论坛版主,但完全包括论坛管理员。 -As a note Admins Level 3 and 4 are mods, while 5 and up are full admins. -级别为3级和4级的管理员是论坛版主,而级别为5级和以上则是高级管理员。 Any dispute between such goes to the higher ranking officer (a Lv 6 beats a Lv 5). 更高一级的管理员对下一级管理员负责,若您有任何问题请您联系高级管理员。 -That is about all I can really think of right now -_- More will join those once I am able to come up with some others.以上为目前论坛规定条列,在新的规定条列未出现之前,请您务必遵守现有的论坛规定条列。 BREAKING SAID RULES CAN GET YOU BANNED 若您的行为有违以上条例,我们将会封锁您的ID。 Depending on the offense, you might just get a warning. 根据您的行为,我们也许会给与您警告。 Mods/Admins are not exempt from the above rules. Only the site owner is exempt from them. 请论坛版主及管理员务必遵守以上条例。网站拥有者例外。 If you are being harassed by another member , please contact us and tell us what happened. And please try to provide proof of such things happening. Contact information will be given at the end of this post. 如果您受到他人的骚扰,请您立刻联系我们并告知详情,同时请您保护自己并防止此类事件发生。我们的联系信息见于本页底部。 If you want to become part of the staff (this includes becoming a forum mod/admin), please contact us and we will consider it. Also, 若您有意成为我们的员工(成为我们论坛的一个管理员或版主),请您联系我们,我们会全面考虑。 please refer to HERE if you wish to help out by becoming a mod/admin. To become a mod/admin, we will need to know you somewhat, so please join our irc channel. 同时,如果您希望成为我们的论坛管理员,请加入我们的irc渠道,以便我们尽快得知。 Information regarding the irc channel will be at the end of this post. 关于irc渠道的信息见于本页底部。 Contact information 联系我们 email for head admin: 一级管理员邮箱- staff@animecharactersdatabase.com irc information: IRC信息: -Network: irc.rizon.net -网络:irc.iron.net -Channel: #acdb 通道:#动漫数据库 -Direct link: [url]irc://irc.rizon.net/acdb[/url] 直接链接:[url]irc://irc.rizon.net/acdb[/url] If you do not know much about irc, there are many clients to choose from. A few examples are mirc , hydrairc , xchat 如果您对irc还不是很了解,请从以下客户中(mirc,hydrairc,xchat)选择并了解。 Update by CaptainBrain 12/12/2011 2011年12月12号,由CaptainBrain上传 Update by CaptainBrain 1/20/2012 2012年1月20号, 由CaptainBrain上传 Update by CaptainBrain 1/23/2012 2012年1月23号, 由CaptainBrain上传 Update by CaptainBrain 4/11/2013 2013年4月11号, 由CaptainBrain上传 Any future updates should be noted as such without erasing any previous update markers. 任何未来的更新应注意,不得删除以前的所有更新标记。 |
07:03 am
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- Anonymous
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