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What kind of character would you be in an anime?

The smart, sensible and beautiful girl

Your hair color would be blue or brown. You would wear your hair straight, in a ponytail or plait. Your element is water. You're a very great warrior.You're very self-conscious. You're a loyal firend, you would do anything to protect your loved ones. You get stronger and stronger. You're not very popular because you can seem very cold and lordly to strangers. You have a big heart and you're waiting for the right man to love.
Feb 3, 2016
What anime power do you have?

Your power is...Teleportation!

[Image] The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between.
Feb 3, 2016
What anime power do you have?

Your power is...Telekinesis!

[Image] The power to manipulate objects and people with the mind.
Feb 3, 2016
What kind of character would you be in an anime?

The tough and temperamentally girl

Your hair color would be purple or black. You would wear your hair short and wavy or straight. Your element is fire. You can easily defeat yourself. You seem strong on the outside but you are sensible on the inside. You have many friends but you have troubles to distinguish the real ones from the bad ones. There are some people who really hate you. You fall in love with many guys but seecretl you have a crush on that one special guy for a long time. You can seem rude sometimes. You have no problems with seeming a bit weird but you are not very self-confident.
Feb 3, 2016
What kind of character would you be in an anime?

The smart and secretive girl

Your hair color would be green, dark blonde or even red. You can be very quiet, you talk not a lot about your problems with your friends. Sometimes you have a stong will and you can be very stubborn. You're very sporty. You have the body of a warrior but not the soul. You're very pessimistic. You often just think about yourself and not about the feelings of your friends. It seems as if you could master anything but on your inside you deal with some problems.
Feb 3, 2016
Wich anime character are you? (for girls)


Good luck for next time ...
Feb 3, 2016
Who will fall in love with you?

Kanade Tachibana

[Image] falls in love with you
Feb 3, 2016
Assassination Classroom Quiz


Not everyone does perfect.
Feb 3, 2016
Assassination Classroom Quiz


You did good. Feel free to try again.
Feb 3, 2016
Wich anime character are you? (for girls)

Reach higher!😄

You just need a kind prince
Feb 3, 2016

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