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Attack on Titan (Series) | Expand List
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In this post-apocalyptic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are bent on consuming mankind. Seemingly unintelligent, they have roamed the world for years, killing everyone they see. For the past century, what’s left of man has hidden in a giant, three-walled city. People believe their 50-meter-high walls will protect them from the Titans, but the sudden appearance of an immense Titan is about to change everything.


Series ID 103585
Media Type Franchise
Title Attack on Titan (Series)
English Title Attack on Titan (Series)
Romaji Title Shingeki no Kyojin
Furigana Title しんげきのきょじん
Japanese Title 進撃の巨人
Japanese Studio Name ウィットスタジオ
English Studio Name WIT STUDIO
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Content Rating M - Mature
Genre Tags ( Add ) action, tragedy, dark fantasy, horror, post-apocalyptic, science fantasy, shounen
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Character Popularity * 2289
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Cecelia the worst anime to ever exist
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User Rating
Jun 20, 2014
Pearls 500 Rubies 1 Rei

Rei Avatar

Fleet Admiral
Admin Level 9999
Over 9000 Characters Award

Attack on Titan (Series)


Blood. Gore. Horror. Terror. People are eaten, loved ones are gruesomely tormented and killed.

The violence isn't constant, but nothing is held back when there is violence.

Mar 26, 2018
Pearls 2 Diamonds 7 Sapphires 36 Rubies 19 Jeagerjaques1

Jeagerjaques1 Avatar


Attack on Titan (Series)


Jun 20, 2014
Pearls 149 Diamonds 92 Sapphires 26 Rubies 64 Akikojam
Pixelated Knight

Akikojam Avatar

Fleet Admiral
Admin Level 10
100 Characters Award

Attack on Titan (Series)


While there's quite a lot of violence, anime-only has it toned down quite a lot.

Apr 26, 2015
Pearls 101 Diamonds 88 Sapphires 77 Rubies 38 LiCobra
Rainbow Master

LiCobra Avatar

Fleet Admiral
Admin Level 6
Over 9000 Characters Award

Attack on Titan (Series)


Jun 20, 2014
Pearls 110 Diamonds 28 Sapphires 60 Rubies 3 Cirno
Lalalalala! I can't hear you!

Cirno Avatar

Fleet Admiral
Admin Level 0
Donor Knight - I donated to ACDB

Attack on Titan (Series)


people getting eaten AAAAH

i couldn't even finish the first episode

Aug 23, 2014
Pearls 151 Diamonds 81 Sapphires 65 Rubies 13 Agronic

Agronic Avatar

Fleet Admiral
Admin Level 10

Attack on Titan (Series)


People being trampled,eaten,pulled in pieces. Yep this has gore! Not the bloodiest show I've seen in my life but it's certainly there.

Jul 24, 2014
Sapphires 9 Rubies 76 GakuGumi
Crewman Third Class
Treasure Hunter 1 Found

Attack on Titan (Series)


Nov 23, 2015
Pearls 28 Diamonds 17 Sapphires 98 Rubies 43 homakp
Fleet Admiral

Attack on Titan (Series)


Oct 21, 2015
Pearls 262 Diamonds 90 Sapphires 87 Rubies 37 SKyongmania

SKyongmania Avatar

Fleet Admiral

Attack on Titan (Series)


Jun 21, 2014
Pearls 11 Diamonds 11 Sapphires 29 Rubies 97 nosgothian
Crewman First Class
Treasure Hunter 1000 Found

Attack on Titan (Series)


Decapitation. If that's not extreme, I don't know what is.

Jun 20, 2014
Diamonds 2 Sapphires 9 Rubies 6 Barbarian18
Crewman Third Class

Attack on Titan (Series)


Aug 27, 2014
Pearls 3 Diamonds 28 Sapphires 10 Rubies 87 nao10
Fleet Admiral

Attack on Titan (Series)


Aug 4, 2014
Rubies 44 zeroalx

Attack on Titan (Series)


Aug 23, 2014

Attack on Titan (Series)




Oct 15, 2014
Diamonds 1 Sapphires 18 Rubies 55 robin650825
First Year Cadet

Attack on Titan (Series)


Oct 27, 2014
Sapphires 1 Rubies 63 Komeran

Attack on Titan (Series)


People are eaten alive, or crushed to death like little insects. Loved ones get killed bevore everyone's eyes. Hundrets of soldiers and thousands of people die. Still it's not extreme because it's part of the story and just the right amount of violence for the story!

Mar 17, 2017
Pearls 2 Diamonds 48 Sapphires 55 Rubies 67 Angelmarie64

Angelmarie64 Avatar

Fourth Year Cadet

Attack on Titan (Series)


Dec 6, 2016
Sapphires 73 Rubies 47 Koemi

Attack on Titan (Series)


Jul 5, 2016

Attack on Titan (Series)


tbh this is my fav anime and will be forever lmao

Dec 19, 2019
Diamonds 87 Sapphires 23 Rubies 43 Ticklesforyou

Ticklesforyou Avatar

Master Petty Officer

Attack on Titan (Series)


Nov 9, 2017
Pearls 2 Diamonds 67 Sapphires 83 Rubies 8 FireHawk
Mistress of Madness

FireHawk Avatar

Warrant Officer First Class
Series QUIZ Game Award: 1000 Points

Attack on Titan (Series)


Apr 27, 2018
Willow Karma Chance

Willowkarmachance2905 Avatar

Treasure Hunter 1000 Found

Attack on Titan (Series)


Feb 1, 2018
Pearls 2 Diamonds 57 Sapphires 38 Rubies 65 XIII_Roxas

XIII_Roxas Avatar

First Year Cadet
Treasure Hunter 250 Found

Attack on Titan (Series)


Apr 29, 2018
Diamonds 22 Sapphires 45 Rubies 22 DustyBunny

Attack on Titan (Series)


Dec 17, 2019
Diamonds 2 Sapphires 52 Rubies 81 LukaTheHunt

Attack on Titan (Series)


Yes there's gore but it's part of the world the cast lives in. don't bother going by the ratings of people who base the show off of the first episode, and/or clearly can't focus on the story instead of whining at the slightest bit of fact of life (in universe) violence.

Dec 27, 2020
Pearls 2 Diamonds 55 Sapphires 91 Rubies 89 opossum

opossum Avatar

First Year Cadet

Attack on Titan (Series)


Jan 19, 2021
Diamonds 42 Sapphires 34 Rubies 76 SnowyWeather

SnowyWeather Avatar

First Year Cadet

Attack on Titan (Series)


Rated Anime


8 8 Star Review of Attack on Titan (Series) by nosgothian

Attack on Titan

This review is totally on the anime as I have yet to read the manga. Trust me, I intend to. What can I say? This is how you do an anime. Wow! Thank goodness that I waited until it was complete to see it. I would have busted my computer waiting for the next episode. Every episode left a cliff hanger of epic proportions. If you haven't seen it, definitely put this one on you to watch list.

You're probably thinking he's gonna give it a 10/10. Not so fast, there were some problems that I have to point out. There was no back story. Not necessarily a bad thing, most come back to it at a later time, thus read the manga. No character development. You are introduced to a whole troop of characters that don't change. You only get glimpses of the characters past with very little relevance. It's not all bad. Fast paced action keeps the anime moving to its conclusion.

All in all, it's a great anime. The fact that there was no back story, poor character development, and I couldn't connect with the characters, made this a good anime. I give an 8.3/10.

10 10 Star Review of Attack on Titan (Series) by mochizuki

Though I hate to admit it… no matter what kind of ending they came up with… no matter how good it is or will be… no matter how many questions they answer… I really doubt I could be happy with it being over. It's just so good. I've never even seen an anime that came close to this one. I love it so much. The characters, the plot, the weapons, the design, the very Idea is so amazing. I don't know if there will ever be an anime this good. It has me saying this with only twenty-five episodes. To be honest I was sad when I heard that Misashi Kishimoto would end Naruto, because of how much I liked that show. Ile be honest though… at this point I don't mind Naruto ending, because now I have this to look forward to. At the same time I know that this is the only anime that got me this hooked, this hungry for more, and I doubt Ile be this satisfied with an anime for a very long time. This show was so amazing. To be honest I'm guessing they could make more episodes with this than they did with Naruto, and I would still want more. No Naruto wasn't close to the best anime I've watched even before I started this series but, it was my first anime. This is the first time I've been so excited to watch an anime since then, since I first watched anime when I was little. I can't say anything though if it is over if I'm this satisfied with a show now can I? I love everything about this anime. My specific favourites are the sound track, the design put into the weapons not just physically but also it's advantages and disadvantages. The best part of all for me is charecter depth.

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I had hoped to see you one
last time before the end.
- King Inglis

Oh, no... without Your blessing, - King Inglis

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