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Kenji Fujito

Kenji Fujito

Character ID 104712
Romaji Name Kenji Fujito
Japanese Name 藤戸研二
Role 0
Gender Male
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Blonde / Yellow
Hair Length To Ears
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No
Voice Actors Kazuhiko Inoue, 井上和彦, いのうえ かずひこ
Type 0
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Tamamo Osaki

Tamamo Osaki

Character ID 83109
Romaji Name Tamamo Osaki
Japanese Name 御咲 珠茂
Role 0
Gender Female
Eye Color Red
Hair Color Red
Hair Length Hip / Past Hip
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears Animal
Tagged tail, opera gloves
CV ももぞの薫
Voice Actors Harumi Asai, 浅井晴美, あさい はるみ
Type 0
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Nene Amagase

My b day is on her b day slayyyyyyyyyy💅💅💅💅💅💅💅💅💅💅💅 - Anonymous


And now, we're done. - Natsu Kumai

Mind if I take this off?
My shoulders are killing me.
- Natsu Kumai

Absolutely not! - Natsu Kumai

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