Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate follows the protagonist Yuuki Oojima, who attends Private Takafuji Academy, a large school with over 6,000 students. Yuuki is a member of the food research club, along with seven others, including his childhood friend Chisato Sumiyoshi. The members leisurely spend their time in the club not participating in many activities. When the election of the next student council president comes up, the front runner, Satsuki Shinonome, proposes that clubs with no merit should be separated and subsequently abolished. The food research club, in an act of desperation, seeks advice from the current student council president, Yakumo Mori, who suggests Yuuki run in the election as an opposing candidate. Yuuki learns about the issues facing the school and decides to run in the election.
Smiley is one of my absolute favorite characters in Tokyo Revengers. I just wish we could have seen more backstoy of him and his brother Angry / Souya in the manga. But all in all he is an awesome character with a great smile! : D - NatsumiSawada