Oct 23, 2012
Hello again! For yesterday's Stuff, I asked what are the socks that can be worn with geta. Today, our Item is the answer:
Tabi socks! Tabi (足袋) are essential with traditional clothing like kimono and yukata. Ankle-high and with a separation between the big toe and other toes, they are worn by both men and women with, geta, zori, and other traditional thonged footwear. They are also very comfortable, and have certainly passed the test of time, having been once worn by ninjas and samurai, and growing in popularity today.
And now for the rest of
Cirno's Perfect Trivia Class!
Today's question:
What are zōri (草履)?
To submit your answer you can PM me or send it to cirno@animecharactersdatabase.com. You can see the answer in tomorrow's episode.
~ 'Til then,