Finished some log rotation.
Serving over a million page requests per day can grow some large logs...
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 1.1G Oct 1 01:10 access-jail-186.log.2.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 16G Dec 19 02:46 access-jail-186.log.3
Made some updates to our Tag Pages:
Added a Cloud-like list of who's been online today to our member stats page:
Here's what's left on my ToDo list:
From my profile...
Select my award
2 3
1 = desc
2 = img
3 = select/deselect
See my Main Award
1) An updated favorites list would be awesome
2) build hall of fames for ever place members contribute
3) finish the password reset tool
4) isolate mysql & mysqld then craft automated backups and a read only database
5) create a mycounts database table then use it every place COUNT(*)'s happen to show a bar of member accomplishments ... like 99 fav chars, 10 fav series, 77 loved characters, 2 hated characters, etc all with links to the relevant pages. people with all 0's might find motivation to use the tools and change that, and see the changes in real time ^^
6) update all moderation tools
7) try again to create a moderation center that gives a useful heads up of where mods need to direct their attention so we never have to hear again from members complaining about something not being modded for months
8) experience moderation from the non-admin perspective. i'm kinda curious if there is adequate notification of status. new changes. pending moderation. modded approved. modded denied. and why.
update Who
after new thread
can delete if no replies yet
can add NSFW
but not remove ...