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☰ Menu >>> Profile Picture for Kyoya Hibari Edit
ID 13500
Name Kyoya Hibari
Other Names 雲雀 恭弥
Role Sub
Primary Assignment Reborn!
Media Type anime
Voiced By Takashi Kondo, 近藤隆, こんどう たかし
Tags bishounen, school uniform, tie, armband, student council president, belt
Birthday May 5
Sign Taurus ♉
Height 169cm
Weight 58kg

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Anime boy Kyoya Hibari is a character from Reborn!.

They have been indexed as Male Teen with Black eyes and Black hair that is To Ears length.


Kyoya Hibari is the leader of the Namimori Middle Discipline Committee, a group of delinquents who all are loyal to Hibari. He is a violent delinquent who uses his status to harass other students. As shown several times in the series, he prefers to be alone and cares little for his subordinates. He loves Namimori more than anything and will often say "I'll bite you to death," or "kamikorosu," to those that disturb Namimori Middle School. Hibari is very proud of his school and is apparently the only person who likes their school's anthem, even using it as his ringtone. In the Kokuyo Arc, he adopted one of the Kokuyo assassins, Birds' bird. The bird (subsequently nicknamed "Hibird" due to its connection to Hibari) becomes attached to Hibari. Hibird can also sing the school's anthem as Hibari loves it. Reborn piqued Hibari's curiosity early on in the series, and Hibari considers him a worthy opponent, having a strong urge to fight him. However, he has a soft spot for small animals and later to I-Pin (in the anime) after she gave him a Valentine's Day chocolate. He hates to be indebted to anyone and strives to pay them back as soon as possible.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Male
Eye Color Black (Gray)
Hair Color Black
Hair Length To Ears
Apparent Age Teen
Animal Ears No

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