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Chase Suno wakes one morning to find his scientist father, Jeredy Suno...gone. A legendary scientist, Jeredy had solved a timeless mystery: What happened to the dinosaurs? He discovered their destruction was by shell-like cocoons barraging the four corners of the earth and what emerged from those...creatures with vast powers at their disposal...Monsuno! Jeredy Suno was working on the means of controlling the Monsuno for good, however, his bosses at the ultra-secret government agency, S.T.O.R.M., had a different agenda in mind – they wanted to weaponise the Monsuno. Jeredy was left with no choice but to take his research and go underground...
But not before he left his only son, Chase, a special gift...a powerful guardian in dangerous times – a riddle waiting to be solved – a force of nature to be directed in positive ways – a Monsuno. And not just any Monsuno – the first Monsuno Jeredy reanimated...and the means to control it!
Chase Suno is now on a mission to master the battle potential of his Monsuno in order to protect himself, to build a team of like-minded Monsuno “Adepts” to take on the forces of evil intent on exploiting Monsuno for personal and political gain...and through all of find his missing father and unlock the mysteries of the Monsuno’s true purpose on earth.