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Anime boy Shizuo Heiwajima is a character from Durarara!!.

They have been indexed as Male Adult with Yellow eyes and Blonde / Yellow hair that is To Ears length.


Voiced by: Daisuke Ono (Japanese), Crispin Freeman (English) A blond young man who is always seen wearing sunglasses and a bartender's suit. Although quiet and nondescript while not angered, he has a very short fuse and fights with incredible strength, though he claims he hates violence. Despite his simple and unrefined fighting skills, namely his use of road signs, trash cans, and vending machines as weapons, he is considered the strongest fighter in the series. In the novels his power is described as the naturally unlimited form of human strength and likened to "adrenaline power" that can give people superhuman strength in times of emergency. In addition, Shizuo is capable of often superhuman parkour moves, a skill he obtained naturally from years of hunting down Izaya Orihara. He is also a member of Dollars, although he left the group in Volume 6 after some members of the Dollars resorted to kidnapping to settle a dispute with a rival gang. Shizuo works as a bodyguard for a debt collector in Ikebukuro and carries intense animosity towards Izaya. He has a younger brother, Kasuka, who is a top idol under the showbiz name of Yuuhei Hanejima. He is also a long-time acquaintance of Celty. Although he and Izaya Orihara are on bad terms, Shizuo is actually well-acquainted with Izaya's younger sisters, Mairu and Kururi. His first and last name translates literally, and ironically, into "serene man" and "peaceful island" respectively.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Male
Eye Color Yellow (Brown)
Hair Color Blonde / Yellow
Hair Length To Ears
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No

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