It's true! You got a weirdmask there, dontcha'?
How do you know?
The weird guy who was carried tothe village chief's house?
Man, I sure am sorry about that!
We don't get many visitors out hereother than soldiers fleeing battle.
Every now and then, yeah.
It's 'cuz this place is morepeaceful than other parts.
So we'll see 'em come runningonce in a while.
It's just a tiny village withnothing going on really,
but we still enjoy our lives in our own way.
thats..... The longest profile I ever saw on this website! - ilikememes0
thats..... The longest profile I ever saw on this website!
before having to give up, passing it all on to those who come after. - Naotora Takeda
before having to give up, passing it all on to those who come after.
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