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Atomu Isurugi 石動 亜土夢 CV: Ryota Osaka 2237 quotes
Atsushi Kimishita 君下 敦 CV: Daisuke Ono 1520 quotes
Chikako Ubukata 生方 千加子 CV: Mariya Ise 882 quotes
Genichirou Tara 平 源一郎 CV: Yusuke Kobayashi 5715 quotes
Hiroyuki Kurusu 来須 浩之 CV: Hiroyuki Yoshino 563 quotes
Hisahito Mizuki 水樹 寿人 CV: Daisuke Namikawa 653 quotes
Jin Kazama 風間 陣 CV: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka 6328 quotes
Jirou Haibara 灰原 二郎 CV: Hiro Shimono 2778 quotes
Kaoru Indou 犬童 かおる CV: Tomokazu Seki 946 quotes
Katsutoshi Nakazawa 中澤 勝利 CV: Katsuyuki Konishi 1705 quotes
Kiichi Ooshiba 大柴 喜一 CV: Mamoru Miyano 1345 quotes
Mayumi Himura 火村 まゆみ CV: KENN 136 quotes
Naoki Shiratori 白鳥 直樹 CV: Suzune Okabe
Ruka Kondou 近藤 留夏 CV: Eiji Takeuchi 13 quotes
Sayuri Tachibana 橘 小百合 CV: Ayane Sakura 1507 quotes
Shou Nakijin 今帰仁 翔 CV: Toshiyuki Toyonaga 627 quotes
Shuuji Narukami 成神 蹴冶 CV: Natsuki Hanae 3247 quotes
Susumu Inohara 猪原 進 CV: Hiroki Yasumoto 773 quotes
Takafumi Kai 甲斐 貴文 CV: Shunya Hiruma 31 quotes
Takumi Hoshina 保科 拓己 CV: Yuichi Nakamura 2925 quotes
Tarou Kisaragi 如月太郎 CV: Ryuichi Kijima 186 quotes
Tetsuya Nitobe 新戸部 哲也 CV: Kaito Ishikawa 3222 quotes
Tsukushi Tsukamoto 柄本 つくし CV: Takuto Yoshinaga 25 quotes
Yuji Maruoka 丸岡 勇二 CV: Takayuki Kondo 3 quotes
Yuuta Usui 臼井 雄太 CV: Takahiro Sakurai 1299 quotes

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12:22 am
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Latest Comments : Chuuya Nakahara

i share a bday with chuuya :) - Anonymous


Oh, but... - Flora Beltrum

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NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
NatsumiSawada gave Nahoya Kawata Sapphires 5 12:08 pm
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