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Romaji Japanese CV Quotes VA Quotes Character
Adam Blake アダム・ブレイク CV: Daisuke Takahashi 4 quotes 4 quotes
Anri Teieri 帝襟 アンリ CV: Eri Yukimura 1727 quotes 30 quotes
Aoshi Tokimitsu 時光 青志 CV: Shinnosuke Tachibana 232 quotes 81 quotes
Asahi Naruhaya 成早 朝日 CV: Daishi Kajita 2 quotes
Dada Silva ダダ・シウバ CV: Robert Waterman 3 quotes 3 quotes
Gin Gagamaru 我牙丸 吟 CV: Shuugo Nakamura 11 quotes 11 quotes
Gurimu Igarashi 五十嵐 栗夢 CV: Aoi Ichikawa 115 quotes 9 quotes
Hyouma Chigiri 千切豹馬 CV: Soma Saito 764 quotes 11 quotes
Ikki Niko 二子 一揮 CV: Natsuki Hanae 3247 quotes 11 quotes
Jingo Raichi 雷市 陣吾 CV: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka 6328 quotes 22 quotes
Jinpachi Ego 絵心 甚八 CV: Hiroshi Kamiya 1458 quotes 114 quotes
Julian Loki ジュリアン・ロキ CV: Hiro Shimono 2778 quotes 8 quotes
Junichi Wanima 鰐間 淳壱 CV: Ryouta Suzuki 1003 quotes 4 quotes
Jyubei Aryu 蟻生 十兵衛 CV: Katsuyuki Konishi 1705 quotes 59 quotes
Keisuke Wanima 鰐間 計助 CV: Ryouta Suzuki 1003 quotes
Leonardo Luna レオナルド・ルナ CV: Shinichirou Kamio 28 quotes 16 quotes
Meguru Bachira 蜂楽廻 CV: Tasuku Kaito 104 quotes 101 quotes
Okuhito Iemon 伊右衛門 送人 CV: Ryuunosuke Watanuki 8 quotes
Oliver Aiku オリヴァ 愛空 CV: Satoshi Hino 1047 quotes
Ranze Kurona 黒名蘭世 CV: Chiaki Kobayashi 544 quotes
Rensuke Kunigami 國神錬介 CV: Yuuki Ono 1309 quotes
Reo Mikage 御影玲王 CV: Yuuma Uchida 755 quotes 17 quotes
Rin Itoshi 糸師 凛 CV: Kouki Uchiyama 1496 quotes 64 quotes
Ryosuke Kira 吉良 涼介 CV: Kenichi Suzumura 176 quotes
Ryusei Shidou 士道龍聖 CV: Yuichi Nakamura 2925 quotes 31 quotes
Sae Itoshi 糸師 冴 CV: Takahiro Sakurai 1299 quotes 5 quotes
Seishiro Nagi 凪 誠士郎 CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki 927 quotes 67 quotes
Shouei Barou 馬狼 照英 CV: Junichi Suwabe 1952 quotes 16 quotes
Tabito Karasu 烏旅人 CV: Makoto Furukawa 1334 quotes 10 quotes
Wataru Kuon 久遠 渉 CV: Masatomo Nakazawa 30 quotes
Yoichi Isagi 潔世一 CV: Kazuki Ura 507 quotes 326 quotes
Yudai Imamura 今村 遊大 CV: Shouya Chiba 1210 quotes
Zantetsu Tsurugi 剣城 斬鉄 CV: Kazuyuki Okitsu 440 quotes 2 quotes

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It's Delta Zakuro not Delta Akane! - Anonymous


Your name. You can write, can't you? - Raust

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