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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Higurashi: When They Cry
I just finished rewatching this series, and since it’s been quite some time since the las time I saw it, I forgot what a masterpiece it is. It’s just one of those series I can’t watch on a regular basis because I don’t want to burn myself out on it. As a matter of fact there are more than a few titles like that in my little world.

The plot is quite unique, I can only describe it as a blend of Tales from the Crypt, The Outer Limits, and the twilighty show about that zone. It will grab and hook you tight with its creepy nature, light slice of life humor, and secret hidden message. It is all centered around The Curse of Oyashiro, the Cotton Drifting Festival of Hinamizawa and the village's dark grizzly past. When watching it for the 1st time, don’t worry about the fact that every 4 or 5 episodes it seems to reset itself, just kick back and enjoy the bloodshed.
The music: Well not much to say here, because there really isn’t any interstitial musical cues to speak of but for some reason I do like the opening them enough to not skip though it very often.
Voice acting is top notch in either EN or JP. Little to nothing is lost in translation.
Character design: here is where there’s a minor quark: it looks as if all the chars seem to need to grow into their heads. The younger they are the bigger their heads are in relation to the rest of their bodies.
Character development: Quite similar to the various character paths of a Visual Novel, each section allows for the focus on an individual character's personality growth and development with a hardy helping of their background as well.
In conclusion This series keeps you coming back for more wondering: what’s next; who lives; who dies; who flies off the handle. It’s a fun, creepy, mildly suspenseful, psychological thriller that I have enjoyed thoroughly! Higurashi contains no foul language or nudity, but has plenty of blood, violence, and a bit of painful torture, with a great plot! I give it a 9.4(out of 10) Recommended as a must see! (At least if you enjoy scary films/shows with blood and violence.)

Thank you

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