What fun is there in skatingaccording to calculations?
Skating is all about a feeling,you know what I mean?
Like I'd let you!
Machines stay quiet.
Don't give your skateboard a chick's name!That's creepy, man!
Right now, ADAM's skating all by himself.
That's not what I mean.
Everyone other than himselfis the enemy, I guess.
It feels like he's completely isolated.
A hunch.
Best Disney Character - Anonymous
Best Disney Character
Something's different about Aqua today! - Kazuma Satou
Something's different about Aqua today!
She looks like a goddess you could take out in public and not be ashamed of! - Kazuma Satou
She looks like a goddess you could take out in public and not be ashamed of!
Master! - Kazuma Satou
20% off ANY course with code BF2024
10 fun things to do on ACDB
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