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Dragon Slayer

Top 10 Characters

  1. Rias Gremory 13 relations
  2. Nami 12 relations
  3. Galko 11 relations
  4. Kanna Kamui 11 relations
  5. Marin Kitagawa 11 relations
  6. Minamoto no Raikou 10 relations
  7. Asagi Igawa 10 relations
  8. Evelyn Celebrian 10 relations
  9. Momo Belia Deviluke 9 relations
  10. Quetzalcoatl 9 relations

Top 10 Relations

  1. Waifu, 11523 characters
  2. Spouse, 1200 characters
  3. Imouto, 1146 characters
  4. Other, 1035 characters
  5. Husbando, 745 characters
  6. Daughter, 167 characters
  7. Older Sister, 120 characters
  8. Onii, 94 characters
  9. Mother, 90 characters
  10. Cousin, 74 characters

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12:35 am
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Latest Comments : Shota Aizawa

Love Him - Anonymous


She wasn't there? - Maka Albarn

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SilverWolfKing gave Momina Chichizaki Rubies 1 Yesterday 11:38 pm
SilverWolfKing gave Felicia La Nacuras Rubies 1 Yesterday 11:38 pm
SilverWolfKing gave Karla Lil Earthian Rubies 1 Yesterday 11:38 pm
SilverWolfKing gave Raphiel Grimlight Rubies 1 Yesterday 11:38 pm
SilverWolfKing gave Runa Usami Rubies 1 Yesterday 11:38 pm
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