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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Soul Eater, a long anticipated series that proves anticipation makes things seem so much better than they really are. Now don’t start hatin’ me, Soul Eater wasn’t that bad… it had its moments.
The plot is really where Soul Eater shines, it was better written than it looked. The names were rather contrite, the near ending(ep 48+) was just overflowing with way to many hokey plot hole fillers, but my biggest gripe would be weapon/ability development/evolution… the old cliché in anime: ‘...when the chips are down and things look grim, all a hero needs to do is bear down, clench their teeth, tighten their buttocks, and viola! They pull out a new ability/power up out of their butt, allowing them to crush a vastly superior foe in one blow.’ It happens way too much.
Voice acting isn’t bad at all. The cast has many well known names in both the EN dub, and original JP.
Character design: Here’s where the series mostly went to pot. Most of the characters look like they were drawn as quick sketch on a cocktail napkin, like: Black Star; Soul; Death; and most notably Excalibur, who looks like a quick sketch form a New Yorker comic. All of it just strikes me as very quick and cheesy.
Character development is far better than the character design. All of the students at the Death Meister Weapons Academy have their own histories, and personality quirks. Some you’ll love, others will grow on you, but none are boring.
In conclusion Soul Eater is far better written than drawn. I did enjoy it, until the end. Not very climatic of a conclusion, in fact it was very Power Rangery… all the characters joining together for one final attack. Of course this is after the academy went for a walk. Those 2 mayor blemishes are why Soul Eater doesn’t rate higher than a 3.8, but by no means should that dissuade you form viewing it. In my opinion it makes for decent background noise while gaming or fiddling about online. Soul Eater contains some blood and moderate to medium violence with no nudity or foul language. Warning: It will draw you in.

Thank you

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Third Year Cadet

Score:1 As a big soul eater fan, this is probably biased, however, soul eater is a great anime and makes much more then just "background noise". I would definitely recommend watching this from start to end.
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