echo 'digraph { "Ada Vessalius " -> "Oz Vessalius" [taillabel = "Older Brother of"] "Gilbert Nightray" -> "Oz Vessalius" [taillabel = "Master of"] "Jack Vessalius" -> "Oz Vessalius" [taillabel = "Vessel of"] "B Rabbit" -> "Oz Vessalius" [taillabel = "Human form of"] "Alice" -> "Oz Vessalius" [taillabel = "Partner of"] "Elliot Nightray" -> "Oz Vessalius" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Vincent Nightray" -> "Gilbert Nightray" [taillabel = "Older Brother of"] "Elliot Nightray" -> "Gilbert Nightray" [taillabel = "Adoptive brother of"] "Oz Vessalius" -> "Gilbert Nightray" [taillabel = "Servant of"] "Lacie Baskerville" -> "Alice" [taillabel = "Daughter of"] "Will of the Abyss" -> "Alice" [taillabel = "Twin Sister of"] "Oz Vessalius" -> "Alice" [taillabel = "Partner of"] "Oz Vessalius" -> "Ada Vessalius " [taillabel = "Younger Sister of"] "Oswald Baskerville" -> "Jack Vessalius" [taillabel = "Rival of"] "Leo Baskerville" -> "Elliot Nightray" [taillabel = "Master of "] "Vincent Nightray" -> "Elliot Nightray" [taillabel = "Adoptive brother of"] "Gilbert Nightray" -> "Elliot Nightray" [taillabel = "Adoptive brother of"] }' | dot -Tsvg > output.svg